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Alaska Blind Child Discovery

A cooperative, charitable research project to vision screen every preschool Alaskan

Remote Eye Clinics


Wild Blue Yonder
Bob Arnold (Alaska)

Photoscreen Coordination1-3
Screener Training and Distribution: Lions, Public Health Nurses, Schools, Clinics
Important Numbers: Instrument Referral Criteria (specific) and CPT 99174/99177

Patched Acuity Screening4,5
Ad Tape & Label (printed 3M)

Parental Communication
Home Visual Acuity4
ROP education and Consent6

Surgical Travel Efficiencies:
Home Removal of NLD stents7

Remote Refraction:
Phoropter Trapeze8
School Bus Accommodation-Relaxing Skiascopy9


1.         Arnold RW, Gionet EG, Jastrzebski AI, et al. The Alaska Blind Child Discovery project: rationale, methods and results of 4000 screenings. Alaska Med 2000;42:58-72.
2.         Lang D, Leman R, Arnold AW, Arnold RW. Validated portable pediatric vision screening in the Alaska Bush. A VIPS-like study in the Koyukon. Alaska Med 2007;49:2-15.
3.         Matta NS, Arnold RW, Singman EL, Silbert DI. Can a photoscreener help us remotely evaluate and manage amblyopia? Am Orthopt J 2011;61:124-7.
4.         Tsao Wu M, Armitage MD, Trujillo C, et al. Portable acuity screening for any school: validation of patched HOTV with amblyopic patients and Bangerter normals. BMC Ophthalmol 2017;17:232.
5.         Clausen MM, Armitage MD, Arnold RW. Overcoming barriers to pediatric visual acuity screening through education plus provision of materials. J AAPOS 2009;13:151-4.
6.         Arnold RW. A video educational and consenting system for ROP (letter). JPOS 2012;49:382.
7.         Haering C, Beck KB, Arnold RW. A Multi-tool to Reduce Nasolacrimal Stent Complications With the Home-Removable Farson Crawford Tube. J Pediatr Ophthalmol Strabismus 2016;53:52-4.
8.         Arnold RW. The phoropter trapeze. A portable refractive support for remote clinics. Binocul Vis Strabismus Q 2003;18:26-7.
9.         Arnold AW, Arnold SL, Sprano JH, Arnold RW. School bus accommodation-relaxing skiascopy. Clin Ophthalmol 2019;13:1841-51.

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